
Western Australia

  • GDP Growth
  • Population
The WA office has had a busy and challenging year in the backdrop of a heated market in line with global challenges with inflationary and supply chain pressures. Despite these head winds the team has successfully maintained BG&E’s position in the market as a consultant of choice to service infrastructure and property markets across both public sector and private clients.

Projects that our team in Perth have contributed to over the past year include;

A continued focus on servicing design and construction activities across a suite of Metronet Projects has featured heavily across the teams workload this year.  We are nearing completion of design for both the Thornlie-Cockburn Line Project and Yanchep Rail Extension Project, with the team also heavily involved in construction support as activities are accelerated on site.

The Bayswater Station and Turn Back Project has achieved a critical milestone with the completion of the new Midland Line up and Down mains and successful rail shut and rail swing to the permanent infrastructure to facilitate the demolition of the iconic (low clearance Bayswater bridge) to facilitate construction of the balance of the project for the new Morley Ellenbrook up and down main lines.

We are starting to see further growth in the resources sector with BG&E serving an increasing demand in rail, bridge and transport projects related to the resource sector expansion projects.

The multi span bridge at the Great Northern Highway crossing of the Fitzroy River in the Kimberley was destroyed by floods caused by tropical cyclone Ellie in January. The flood resulted in collapse of the bridge substructure, deck and washout of the approach embankments. Given the critical importance of this bridge to the State and National Road network, BG&E was selected to design the new bridge. The agreed strategy for the new bridge is a more robust and resilient structure than the previous that will enhance its survivability for the extreme flooding, without creating additional backwater issues during such events. Main Roads WA is targeting bridge completion and opening within the shortest practical timeframe and structural elements that could be impacted by water flow ideally completed before the next wet season.

The Leach-Welshpool Alliance reached practical completion in March this year. The new grade separated interchange is already delivering a significant reduction in travel time through the project area when compared with the pre-project scenario and contributing to a significant reduction in CO2 through reduction in travel delay and associated fuel use.  

This year has seen the local rail team awarded a program of siding designs for the CBH group. With two greenfield sites and one brownfield these sidings are all aimed at speeding up grain outload on rail to port. Our scope includes the design of new rail sidings with associated earthworks and drainage along with road connections between the existing CBH Site and new ORB Facilities.

The local defence team is providing services on the Navy Capability Infrastructure Sub-program (NCIS) at HMAS Stirling. HMAS Stirling is the Royal Australian Navy's primary base on the west coast of Australia. Works include construction of medium density living-in accommodation for an additional 100+ permanent staff and more than 350 trainees along with a training precinct. The existing senior sailors’ mess and medical facility are also proposed to be upgraded. Existing engineering services, including reticulated potable water, power and storage, will be extended to cater for the new and refurbished facilities.  

The buildings group continue to be working on projects across the Education, Commercial, Health, Residential and Infrastructure sectors. Notable projects included the Curtin B316 SuperSciences laboratory, HomeFire International Film Studios, Midland Station, Women and Newborn’s Business Case and completion of the Chevron Headquarters building at Elizabeth Quay.  

One particular project award of note is the new DRIPD Murdoch Research Facility; a new research and development precinct within the Perth metropolitan region in which BG&E is providing Structural, Civil and Façade engineering services. The proposed new facility will include:

  • Multistorey laboratory and workspace building.
  • A series of outbuildings to facilitate and support research and development undertaken within the laboratories.
  • A centralised dispatch and receivables building, that includes bulk storage, field equipment, waste management dangerous goods storage and facilities to undertake training and development.
  • Central plant building, glasshouses, and shade houses.
  • Landscaping and associated external works including roadways as required.

Our Technical Excellence has been recognised with two Austroads Bridge Awards, Mandurah Bridge project - Best Structure over 35 metres and the Hay Street Bridge Vertical Clearance Improvement Project - Best Structure under 35 metres. We also received High Commendations for Excellence in Asset Management and Maintenance for the BHP Low-Level Bridge Replacement Project along with Excellence in Innovation and Excellence in Sustainability for the Mandurah and Hay Street projects, respectively.

Anthony Wood, Director – WA, says, “I am proud of the team’s achievements and resilience this year despite the many challenges we have faced in a busy market environment. The future is looking bright, and we have a lot to look forward to moving into the new financial year.”